Cascades Park HOA February Workshop via Zoom

You’re Invited to Cascades Park’s February Neighborhood Workshop via Zoom!
During this time, we really need a friendly face, a distanced hug and some good cheer — it’s all about the fellowship. While we can not gather in person, we can spend some time virtually with our neighbors making a Valentine’s Hanging Heart Garland/Card. Open for all – children may participate with an adult. We will be making double sided hanging hearts, that can hung as a garland or folded up and mailed as Valentines. We will also make additional cards for Loudoun Love Letters as a Cascades Park Community Service Project!
Sunday, February 7th, 2021 at 2pm via Zoom
Thank you for replying via this google form by Thursday, February 4th!
Questions?: email

Category: Events, News & Announcements | Posted: 02.01.2021