Loudoun HOA Fire Hydrants
The Loudoun County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management is asking that you remind residents to clear a three foot area around all types of fire hydrants in your respective neighborhoods. In addition to clearing regular fire hydrants, dry hydrants and cisterns present in our more rural developments must be cleared (pictures of both are below/attached) in order to maintain an effective water supply. As additional plows have begun clearing these developments, it’s important to re-check that the hydrants remain accessible and visible.
Please use only a shovel or snow blower to clear the dry hydrants/cisterns as heavy machinery could easily damage both the underground tank and exposed piping. In the event the dry hydrant or cistern cannot safely be accessed or cleared, please email the hydrant address/location to Maria Taylor at maria.taylor@loudoun.gov, including a photo if possible.
Our fire and rescue crews greatly appreciate the efforts and patience exhibited by all citizens of Loudoun County.
Thank you!
Firefighter/EMT Laura RinehartPublic Information Officer
Archived News
| Posted: 01.27.2016